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Vinyasa OM Flow – Daytime Andrea

Tuesday 9.45am - 11am
Studio & Omline
Teacher(s): Andrea Brajer
Ability Level: Mixed Abilities, Beginners, Intermediate, Advance

Be still like a mountain, and flow like a river – Lao Tzu

The word “Vinyasa” can be translated as “arranging something in a special way,” like yoga poses. In this Vinyasa Yoga session I will guide you to coordinate movements with your breath to flow from one pose to the next.

The transition between different positions are structured in a way which helps you to warm your muscles up and work towards a more energetic, cardio yoga sequence to then slow down and prepare for savasana (relaxation).

These classes are designed to help you to stay focused by going with the flow, motivated by the variety of postures and combinations and energised by the continuous movement, your mind slows down and becomes spacious and you will walk out feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

Time: Tuesday 9.45am - 11am

First month trial price £20!

£33  (standing order due on 1st of the month)

For more information please see Prices/Terms & Conditions 

Pay as you YoGa 
£11 per class (£9 for Ommies) More

Booking Essential


Please text or call Andrea  07703325031

E: andrea@anandalifestyle.co.uk


Full timetable
Andrea Brajer

Andrea Brajer

I help people on their journey to find their own love for yoga and make it their lifestyle for a happier and healthier life. View my profile