Daily Yoga classes in the Studio and Omline, please check our timetable
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  • Living a busy sometimes stressful life I enjoy coming to class because it gives me chance to pause, to reflect and relax in a calm and welcoming place. I get to improve my mental and physical health and learn more about yoga.

  • There’s a great sense of community in our group, I think. I love being able to come back to the studio and seeing people in the flesh, but even in the zoom classes, that same feeling came through.
    I also get a really important opportunity to switch off and get away from everything. It’s really helped me in the past and it’s having the same effect still.

  • I fine 'peace', relaxation, calmness and feelings of wellbeing from the classes.

  • I find it very calming and grounding, it feels good for my body and mind. I like feeling connected to the teachers and others. I like the slowness and the care taken, I get a lot from it.

  • I love being in a beautifully serene, nourishing space with your calm guidance taking us on a journey in each class. I feel like I am coming home to myself when I land in the studio and get settled whilst listening to your insights about the moon and the seasons.

  • The studio has an atmosphere all of it's own & as soon as I walk in I feel like a weight has been lifted. The classes are engaging, relaxed & inclusive. There's no doubt that yoga & meditation are helping me in all aspects of my life & as far as I'm concerned it's the gift that keeps giving!

  • I like that I’ve been exposed to some elements that I maybe wouldn’t have chosen to – and have in turn continued to find some of them really helpful. I’ve become happy to go with it and see what happens. Similarly with the variety of physical movement and asana’s – being challenged in slightly different ways helps to keep things fresh and free from habit. I find the class a really caring environment and always feel I’m engaging in something positive for me. I nearly always sleep with just a little bit more quality than normal, the night after a class – and that’s lovely also.

  • I really enjoy the movements and asana practise and can really feel the difference and love the feeling that I am keeping my body healthy and supple.The class helps me feel grounded and like I’m having some time for me.
    I like feeling connected with my breathing, especially as I have suffered from panic attacks in the past and i feel like it really helps with that and prevents me from having them now and in the future.

  • I understand my body more and I know how to be kind to it. I feel physically strong without the need to do gym-type stuff and my joints click much less than they used to! The classes help calm me after a busy week and ease anxieties. The breathing practices in particular help me with stressful and difficult moments of day to day life. I also love the philosophy behind the classes, which I never had at previous yoga classes.

  • I get a really nice feeling of community within the class. I've had back and shoulder problems in the past but since coming to yoga they have pretty much disappeared apart from the odd flare up.

  • I have found Bridget and her yoga sessions to be inspirational. Truly a wonderful yoga teacher, that emanates calmness and clarity. All of her sessions are different from one another, making them spellbinding. Bridget's classes leave you wanting more and wishing they didn't end.

  • I have suffered with tight hips and achy legs for years, partly from being sat down at work all day. Angela's Yin Yoga class taught me how I can help manage this with the slooooww, deep stretches. My body feels much more loose and flexible, thanks!

  • Through Hatha Yoga and regular Yoga Nidra practice the classes have helped greatly in putting my mind back in touch with my body.

  • I really enjoy coming to class & find it enormously helpful in coping with everyday life. Classes are always fun as well as relaxing (and sometimes really hard work!) It makes a huge difference alleviating the Monday blues knowing that I have a yoga class to go to in the evening.

  • Before starting Angela’s yoga classes I was visiting the chiropractor at least twice a year. I haven’t needed to go since starting Angela’s class nearly 5 years ago.
