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Sound Relaxation with Jan McGuire

2pm - 3pm
Teacher(s): Jan McGuire
Ability Level: Mixed Abilities, Open to All

Join me for an event of complete self-nurturing; sound relaxation using frame drum, ocean drum, Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, various percussion instruments, and sometimes the voice/ chanting.

Get yourselves comfortable and warm on your mat; snuggle yourself with enough layers, a blanket and a pillow, whatever you need to lie down for about 50 minutes. Close your eyes and relax whilst the gentle vibrations of sound wash over you. Sink into the beautiful sounds and allow yourself to be immersed in vibration and positive energy.

The health benefits of Sound Relaxation are well known now. The brainwaves are slowed down, taking you into an altered state, similar to deep meditation. Blood pressure is reduced and the body is brought back into homeostasis, where natural healing can take place. Many people experience feeling deeply relaxed and notice an improvement to their sleep.


It is not recommended that you attend if any of these apply:

–         If you are in the first 3 months of pregnancy
–          If you have epilepsy, seizures or an ‘unmanaged’ mental health condition (such as bi-polar, schizophrenia, or any form of complex trauma)
–          Severe heart conditions

You may be more sensitive to Sound Therapy If you have metal plates, have had recent surgery, broken bones or other major physical injuries, have a pacemaker, or if you suffer from tinnitus. Please discuss with me if any of these apply or if you are unsure.

Time: 2pm - 3pm
Next Classes:
  • 30th June
  • 28th July
  • 25th August



Please book for your preferred date:

Yoga Nidra Gong Relaxation:

Sunday 30th June 2-3pm – Book here 

Sunday 28th July 2-3pm – Book here 

Sunday 25th August 2-3pm – Book here 


Full timetable
Jan McGuire

Jan McGuire

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