Daily Yoga classes in the Studio and Omline, please check our timetableUse the up and down arrows to select a result. Press enter to go to the selected search result. Touch device users can use touch and swipe gestures.
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HIIT Yoga Saturday

8.00am- 9.00am
Teacher(s): Andrea Brajer
Ability Level: Mixed Abilities

There are lots of proven benefits of High-Intensity-Interval-Training and Yoga. Let’s bring them together so that you can benefit from the healthy results of both in one session.

When it comes to health there is no compromise therefore on these classes no matter how important it is to give your 100% during the high interval we never lose control of our awareness over the body and the breath. We always prepare the body, warm it up before the HIIT rounds and we always cool ourselves down properly, finishing the session with relaxation to settle all the energy down we created.

You will leave this class feeling strong and energised yet relaxed.

Time: 8.00am- 9.00am

First month trial price £20!

£35  (standing order due on 1st of the month)

£60 couples/multiclass

For more information please see Prices/Terms & Conditions 

Pay as you YoGa 
£12 per class (£10 for Ommies) More

Booking Essential


Please text or call Andrea  07703325031

E: andrea@anandalifestyle.co.uk

Full timetable
Andrea Brajer

Andrea Brajer

I help people on their journey to find their own love for yoga and make it their lifestyle for a happier and healthier life. View my profile