Daily Yoga classes in the Studio and Omline, please check our timetable
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Embodied Somatic Yoga

Teacher(s): Rebecca Stevens
Ability Level: Open to All

Embodied Somatic Yoga

Somatic yoga focuses on the internal experience of yoga, so we have the opportunity to let go of what we think we ‘should’ do,  and tune into what our body yearns for – comfort, ease, effortless effort and balance.

Bring the mind and body into balance via accessible movement and breath awareness in this nurturing, relaxing class.

We finish with rest and healing instruments.

Time: 7.40pm-9.05pm

First month trial price £20!

£35  (standing order due on 1st of the month)

£60 couples/multiclass

For more information please see Prices/Terms & Conditions 

Pay as you YoGa 
£12 per class (£10 for Ommies) More


To book please contact Angela:

Tel: 07786 255 211

E: anji@omyogaworks.co.uk

Full timetable
Rebecca Stevens

Rebecca Stevens

Drawing on experience in health care and holistic therapies, Rebecca’s classes mix gentle mindful movement, guided visualisations and healing sounds to nourish all layers of your being. View my profile