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Family Yoga

Fri 27th March
Teacher(s): Andrea Brajer
Ability Level: Everybody Welcome

Family Yoga is AWESOME!

In a world where parents and children are so busy and stressed family yoga provides a wonderful place to spend healthy and happy, quality time together.

No mobile phones, no iPads or TV, no other duties…it’s just you and your child/ren.

Family is so important, and time and care are needed to nurture it and make it work; yoga is perfect for this! Children, parents, and even grandparents get to enjoy practicing yoga together and strengthen their bonds while they support each other and have fun.

The Importance of Play

In the constant struggle to juggle all of the responsibilities with the numerous things parents need to do to care for their children we often overlook one of the most important thing we can do for our children and that is quality time spent with them. Having a good conversation, chat with them -no matter the age children love sharing their stories, playing with them, moving around with them, crafting with them or just relaxing with them. Children love attention and when this attention is given by spending quality time together is priceless.

Family yoga teaches parents how to play with their children, how to talk about important stuff such as feelings and emotions, also how to relax with them.

Bridging The Gap

Family yoga is very special; it is a rare opportunity for both parents and children to observe and learn from each other and a great way to bridge the  age difference between them.

While playing yoga together as a family, we exchange roles a lot. For example, while doing Dog Pose, parents, who are usually the leaders, get to be led on a dog walk by their children. Children, who are usually the receivers, get to give to their parents when they massage them while in relaxation.

  • Parents get to see how their children learn and how they interact with other children and adults. And children get to see their parents as learners, something that doesn’t happen very often, setting a great example for their children.
  • Until a certain age children think that their parents are superhuman; that they never get tired, never run out of time or money, and that there is nothing that they can’t do. It is good for the children to realize that their parents are not perfect.
  • There are many poses that the children can do and the parents can’t, and some activities that the children can do better than the parents. This humanizes the parent and eases the pressure that their children’s expectations can create.

In addition to all of the other great benefits of yoga, all of these gestures help to relieve tension in the parent/child relationship.

Time: 4.30-5.30pm

£10 one parent and one child.

Additional child is £2,

Additional adult is £4.


Please text or call Andrea

T: 07703325031


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Andrea Brajer

Andrea Brajer

I help people on their journey to find their own love for yoga and make it their lifestyle for a happier and healthier life. View my profile