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Hatha Yoga – Daytime Andrea

10.30am -12.00pm
Studio & Omline
Teacher(s): Andrea Brajer
Ability Level: Mixed Abilities, Beginners, Intermediate, Advance
Hatha Yoga Class Leeds Andrea

Everybody is welcome.

Every class is tailored to the needs of the students & always includes Asana (postures), Pranayama (breath awareness) & deep relaxation.

You are invited to move slowly with awareness, this is proven to be beneficial for health & wellbeing to the body & mind.  Instructions for more challenging postures are given in stages so that you may surrender to the posture & only do what is appropriate for your unique body & the way you feel today, modifications are always happily given.

Yoga is a way of life, a way to practice being gentle, balanced and giving, nourishing our mind and our body.

Yoga is a tool to remove the obstacles of loving connection.

Yoga sets us free.

Booking is essential.

Time: 10.30am -12.00pm

£5 for the first class

£30  (standing order due on 1st of the month)

For more information please see Prices/Terms & Conditions 

Pay as you YoGa 
£10 per class More



please text or call  07703325031


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Andrea Brajer

Andrea Brajer

I help people on their journey to find their own love for yoga and make it their lifestyle for a happier and healthier life. View my profile