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Pay As You Feel Friday

Fri 2nd Friday of the month
7.00pm -8.30pm
Ability Level: Open to All, Everybody Welcome

Community is very important to us at Om and we would like to share a little of what we do here to our wider community that may not have the financial means or the time to come to a regular class.

We are offering a pay as you feel class the 2nd Friday of every month. Each class will have a different teacher and subject.  All are welcome but booking is essential, please book with the teacher leading that class.

At least 50% of the revenue from the class will go into our Om Yoga Works Foundation.  We are also very passionate about making yoga for everybody.  We have decided to create an Om Yoga Works Foundation, we are raising money so that we can take yoga into schools or community groups that don’t have the funding.  Our journey is just beginning but from little acorns, mighty oaks grow.

Please share this far and wide and we look forward to welcoming you.

11th December – Winter Wind Down – move, breathe and relax  7.00 – 8.30pm

with Vicki 07854921951

Join Vicki for a soothing session of movement enquiry, breath exploration and relaxation.

Time: 7.00pm -8.30pm

Pay As You Feel


At least 50% of the revenue from the class will go into our Om Yoga Works Foundation. https://omyogaworks.co.uk/oyw-foundation/



Please book with the teacher leading the class.

Full timetable