Angela passionately believes that as much as yoga is a tool which helps us to know our bodies better, it is also a tool to help us understand our mind, our responses to life and yoga teaches us to live with awareness.
Angela will skillfully guide you through practices to help you maintain and improve physical movement and function, as well as teach you breathing practices alongside other ancient esoteric practices. Classes end with relaxation, mainly Yoga Nidra (a relaxation technique which consists of sankalpa, body awareness rotation, breath awareness and visualisation).
Angela’s classes are suitable for all levels of practitioner and every body as modifications will be given so that you can practice safely and effectively.
Booking essential.
First month trial price £20!
£35 (standing order due on 1st of the month)
For more information please see Prices/Terms & Conditions
Pay as you YoGa
£12 per class (£10 for Ommies) More