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  2. Kirsty Elliot

Kirsty Elliot

I feel very passionate about helping people on their healing journeys, because I was once the person who needed the support. And in truth I will always be on a journey of self-discovery and healing, I think we all are continuously growing and learning.

In my early twenties, I found myself suffering with panic attacks, general anxiety, bouts of depression, loneliness and irritable bowel syndrome.

This was as a result of going through some trauma in my childhood and never really having an opportunity to express myself or work through it.

I couldn’t go on like that anymore. After realising that the counselling and antidepressants weren’t a permanent and long term solution I found Emotional Freedom Technique EFT, Hypnosis and Matrix Reimprinting.

Basically, I learned how to heal my inner child. How to feel safe in my body and in the world again. How to choose how I experienced life and take my power back.

I will be forever grateful to the wonderful practitioners who worked with me because they gave me my life back. So I can have a happy future.

It is my life’s work and purpose to help others in the same way and I give all my commitment and energy to this because you need to know there is a way to change it.

Some practitioners don’t share their personal stories in fear that it may not look professional, but I feel that I want my clients to know how deeply I understand, that I am invested and caring in the outcome, and that if I can do it – you can do it!

