Daily Yoga classes in the Studio and Omline, please check our timetable
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  1. Events
  2. Kat Green

Kat Green

Kat is a qualified medical herbalist based in Leeds with a particular interest in chronic illness. Kat believes people can get better, naturally – even those who may have given up after years of struggling with their health or who simply tolerate their symptoms. Chronic illness can be managed to a point of good health and vitality, using herbal medicine – and a little time and dedication to restoring health fundamentals.

She is registered with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH), which is subject to completion of a four-year, degree-level qualification and 500 clinical hours (passed with distinction). She takes a pragmatic, natural and caring approach to help people successfully manage gynaecological issues, peri-menopause, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune issues, mood issues, insomnia, interstitial cystitis, eczema, psoriasis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other chronic issues.

Her garden practice at home in Horsforth offers a friendly, welcoming environment.
