Please remove all footwear before entering & place in the shoe cabinet provided, keeping the corridor clear for our neighbours. The studio is a shoe free zone.
Mobile phones
Please turn your phone off before entering the studio.
Bags & coats
Please help us keep your practise space free of clutter & use the storage space provided. Hang coats on the rack outside & place valuables & bags in the drawers in the studio.
Arriving & leaving
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of class. If there is a class in progress, please wait quietly in the corridor. If you do arrive late, come in with the minimum amount of noise and disturbance and lie quietly for a few minutes before joining in with the next new posture. When leaving please be mindful that there maybe another class due to start. Please be considerate to our neighbours when moving around the complex. If driving please use gate 3 & park in available public parking.
Wear loose and comfortable clothes that allow you total freedom of movement. It is preferable that the material is natural, such as cotton. Remove jewellery, glasses and contact lenses if practical before starting a yoga session.
The studio is fully equipped with mats, blankets, blocks, bolsters, belts & chairs which you are welcome to use. We highly recommend using your own mat so you can continue your practise at home & for good hygiene. We do have equipment for sale.
It is recommended not to practise yoga immediately after eating. Allow 2-3 hours after eating a meal before starting a yoga session. It is acceptable to have a snack 30mins-1hour before your practise if needed.
It is preferable to empty the bowels and bladder prior to practising yoga & if you do need to use the toilet during the class it is fine but try not to disappear every week during the practises you find most challenging. Please do not use strong perfumes, deodorants & aftershave for the consideration of your yoga buddies with sensitive noses.

Booking is essential for all classes.
To book please contact the teacher for the class you are interested in by phone, text or email prior to the class.
Payment by cash, cheque or bank transfer direct to your teacher.